Ciao! Siena is a very beautiful city! Unfortunately, we only spent two days here! The city offers so much history to be learned! When we first arrived in the city, we separated to eat lunch! When we all joined back up, we went for a tour of the city with Dr. Marciano and Ray. She was able to give us a quick overview of the city and some really cool information. During this time, we got all of our tickets for the museums. Next came my favorite part of the day, the tower! We climbed another tower!
The tower! |
The view at the top! |
This one was only 378 steps but it gave us a beautiful view of the city! Afterwards, we went to dinner and back to our hotel for the nigh to prepare for the next day of adventures! When we woke the next morning, we headed out to visit the museums. Unfortunately, we were unable to take a bunch of pictures.
We were still able to grasp a little bit of information on the art work. The biggest highlight while being in Siena was learning about the Palio! The Palio di Siena is a horse race that is held twice a year. The dates are July 2 and August 16. There are 17 contrades in Siena but only ten of them are represented in the race. So, every race has 10 horses and 10 jockeys that are dressed in a color of the contrade they are representing. The event may only happen twice a year, but it is celebrated and prepared for all year round. After the race, there are huge celebrations that are done by people from all around the world that traveled down for the race. The race has thousands of spectators every year. The race is done on the Piazza del Campo, that has been covered in sand and saw dust and the walls covered with mattress type material. The race only last for three laps.
The jockey races on the horse without a saddle. If the jockey falls off, oh well! The horse can still finish the race without the jockey.
Art! |
Selva contrade! |
This has been done before. To learn more about this event, we went to one of the contrades private lounges to enjoy some history and food. This contrade was the Selva! Their symbol is the rhino at the base of an oak tree! The colors that represent them are green and orange! Their last race win was in the year 2010! I was able to get a good taste of how serious the Palio is to the people of Siena. It is a huge part of their culture. I even got to watch the race that happened in 2010 while eating. It is like the super bowl for Americans. Apart from the history and culture that was bestowed upon us, we were able to get a taste of cuisine also! They served us a four course meal and it was delicious! I walked away stuffed! It is a huge difference to see how the Italians eat compared to America. In America, we eat our food quickly, usually just one course, and we are done. I've noticed in Italy, or the places in Italy I have visited, eat slowly and have multiple courses! There is definitely a difference in the way Americans and Italians enjoy their food!
We were so lucky that I was able to connect with the Head of the Selva, so we had a personal tour of the church, museum, and social club. Aldo, who owns the gift shop in San Giovanni Piazza (near the Bapistry, below the Petrucci Palace) was able to help me contact Stefano. I thought the tour and church were amazing. It was hard for me to translate all this info, but I think we all got the main ideas. This is not something that tourists usually get to see. I am glad you seem to appreciate the info and inside view!